Monday, March 26, 2018

Léamh na Filíochta

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The Léamh na Filíochta (Poetry Reading) is the first main section of the oral Irish and takes place after the initial Fáiltiú section. This is worth 35 marks and with a little preparation you can score very highly in this section. 
So what's involved?...
  • After the Fáiltú the examiner will ask you to read from one of the five poems that you are studying for the Leaving Cert.
  • You will read either the full or part of the poem, depnding on which poem you are asked to read from
    • Géibheann : an dán ar fad (the whole poem)
    • Colscaradh: an dán ar fad (the whole poem)
    • Mo Ghrá-sa (Idir Lúibíní): trí véarsa i ndiaidh a chéile (three verses in a row)
    • An tEarrach Thiar: dhá véarsa i ndiaidh a chéile (two verses in a row)
    • An Spailpín Fánach: dhá véarsa i ndiaidh a chéile (two verses in a row)
  • You simply read the poem! No questions, no discussion!
  • You are allowed bring your own copies of the poems into the exam.
  • You are allowed have pronunciation / phonetic notes etc. written on your copies of the poems.
  • The examiner can select any one of the five poems, so you should have all five poems prepared well.
  • When practicing reading the poems you should prepare the full poem as the examiner can ask you to read from any point in the poem.

Briathra san Aimsir Chaite

Liosta briathra san Aimsir Chaite. A list of some common verbs in the Aimsir Chaite. An Aimsir Chaite